INST 280: Brown College Short Courses
Short course facilitator, University of Virginia, Brown College, 2008
From 2008 - 2010, I taught one-credit short courses offered through Brown College at the University of Virginia.
Esoteric Programming Languages
Spring 2010
Esoteric programming languages are programming languages that are essentially written to test the bounds of programming, often as a joke. In this course, we will go through one programming language a week, including INTERCAL, LOLCODE, Chef, Whitespace, and more.
Co-taught with Daniel Epstein
PHP, Perl, and Regular Expressions
Spring 2009
This short course will aim to explore some basics of two highly used web scripting languages, PHP and Perl, and the application of regular expressions to both languages.
How to solve a Rubik’s cube
Spring 2008
This short course covers Rubik’s Cube theory and Competition. Participants will learn how to solve a rubik’s cube through developing spacial recognition and reasoning, and problem solving.
Co-taught with Saam Dilmaghani